Current topics in archaeology, cultural heritage & historic preservation

Friday, May 15, 2009

Effigy Beach Video on OPB

I was just reminded by a friend that OPB's Oregon Field Guide TV program is re-running the Effigy Beach segment that was filmed in Vancouver, WA (and features Mike Taylor, your intrepid blogger ;-). Effigy Beach runs with another segment on Celilo Falls that is fascinating.

Mike Taylor examining
the Beaver Bowl during
the Oregon Field Guide
Effigy Beach program.
The Beaver Bowl is a
deeply carved effigy
boulder near Camas, WA.
It has a very large, deep
ceremonial bowl carved
into its back.

Effigy Beach is a rock art site along the Columbia River that contains several carved stone images. A couple of years ago the site was seriously damaged by a well-meaning landowner who decided to landscape right down onto the beach. Unfortunately he removed all the native vegetation that was protecting the carved boulders making them very susceptible to erosion and other damage.

The rock peaking from behind the tree in the
upper left of the photo is the intensively carved
zoomorphic (animal-like) effigy boulder in the
photo below.

We worked with the City of Vancouver and other local residents to contain the problem and prevent further damage. The video shows some of the interesting rock art and me giving the local residents a tour of the cultural resources on their property in a very successful effort to recruit them to watch over and protect it for future generations.

Check out the video at: (or on the link to the right).

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